About Us

V’shinantam L’vaneha—And you shall teach them unto your children


The Efshar Project envisions accessible, high-quality early childhood education that inspires lifelong Jewish connections and thriving Jewish communities.

Our Approach

EEducators can access affordable leading-edge professional development.

F Families, both current and prospective, can easily access engagement experiences with an eye toward becoming Jewish lay leaders.

S School Leaders have opportunities for executive level coaching and leadership support and training in both pedagogical and operational best practices.

H Holistic support is offered for the school and larger community to collaborate on important and time sensitive topics.

A Advocacy and policy efforts ensure that the voices of our 1,000 children, 900 parents, and 250 educators are represented and heard at all levels.

R Resources grounded in Jewish texts, traditions, values, wisdom, and early childhood research ensure all educators, school leaders, and families have what they need related to their topic of interest.

The Efshar Project-Garden
“Efshar helped teachers feel like they had the tools to truly make virtual connections in a meaningful way. It also provided very practical methods that our teachers immediately implemented.”
— ECE Assistant Director

Impact Statement

Our impact in 2022, including how many educators we engaged, the amount of funding we secured, and the effects of our development across all ECE centers.

The Efshar Project Overview

A detailed description of our mission statement, who we are, why we exist, what we do, what we offer, and our group's priorities.

School and Organizational Partners

Funding Partners