
Jobs in the Jewish ECE Community

The Efshar Network is made up of 15 Jewish Early Childhood Centers. Our network is diverse and each school is a wonderful place to work with a thriving community rooted in Jewish values. Whether you are Jewish, or not, if you have a passion for working with young children, there are openings at each school in our network. Fill out the teacher application linked below to apply or visit any of our schools to learn more.

Caring Community

The Efshar Project is a collaboration of Denver area Jewish early education centers.

While each center maintains its own unique school culture, academic model, and staff, we share all share a commitment to cultivating a caring community.

Caring for Our Kids

A community that nurtures our students.

Caring for Our Culture

A community rooted in our Jewish traditions and values.

Caring for Our Educators

A community where teachers are supported and empowered.