for School Directors and Leaders
School leaders, both current and emerging early childhood educators who serve in or aspire to leadership roles, have unique access to wraparound support through individualized coaching, peer learning experiences, leading-edge leadership development, and innovative programmatic opportunities.

Offerings Information
Available by application. Schools apply for coaching in an area of growth for their school.
Leadership Team
Efshar professionals support the development of multi-stakeholder teams that work in partnership at each school with ECE school directors to build a common vision and ongoing partnership for each individual partner program
Cohort Trip
Each year, 14-20 educators and directors travel outside of Colorado to attend a multi-day learning experience focused on building teaching practice and leadership capacity.
An annual day of learning for all educators and leaders in our community of schools.
Pedagogical Director facilitates monthly meetings and an annual half-day learning experience for school leaders focused on leadership skills.
Reflective Consultation Group
Monthly facilitated group for school leaders interested in bringing reflective supervision into their work. There is also the option to attend an annual retreat focused on leadership skills.
Through these offerings, The Efshar Project expects to support professional development while increasing ECE capacity, increase family engagement, and school readiness.
Upcoming Events for Leaders